Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How did reforemers change the treatment of the mentally ill and prisoners?

" Prison reformers- Doretha Dix in her efforts on behalf of the mentally ill emphasized the idea of rehabilitation, treatment that might reform the sick or imprisoned person to a useful position in society. There was revivalist suggested, hope for everyone". Reformers used the revivalism to improve the mental health and physical illnesses of the imprisoned, which were no longer, accepted as members of society because of their current state. Reformers felt that these individuals deserved the same treatment as others in society because they were also children of the lord and deserved to be forgiven. Thus, Treatment of the mentally ill and prisoners was revolutionized through religious and spiritual sermons that promoted self-improvement, and individual responsibility for those seeking salvation.

1 comment:

  1. The second great awakening helped improved the treatment of prisoners and the mentally ill through religion, it also influenced the development of spiritual or religious establishments that deal with those who cannot be treated by medicine.
